
Monday, February 17, 2014

SkinCare Tips And Routine

Today I am going to talk about the steps to keeping your skin healthy and acne free! Last year, seventh grade, I had acne prone skin. It mainly cleared up, but I'm still working on getting my face clear.

1) Moisturize, Moisturize, Moisturize. In the winter, your face can tend to become dry because of the change in weather. However, if you're face is extremely oily in the winter, its because your skin is not getting enough moisture, so its trying to create its own. Not really a good combo. Moisturize at night, and in the morning before applying makeup. I use Clinique moisture surge. 
2) wash your face! For me, i have extremely sensitive skin. Many face washes break out my face, even high end products like Clinique. I recommend using cerave face wash, a face wash targeted towards sensitive skin. It sure helped my face, and even if you dont have sensitive skin it is still a great facewash. 
3) try to use a face wash sponge, or electronic cleanser. I use the clarasonic mia, an electronic device that rotates around to clean deep into your pores. I recently started using it, and enjoy it. Dont be down if it breaks out your face at first, all its doing is bringing the dirt to the surface then will clean off what rose to the surface.
4) Use brands that wont break out your face! I know drugstore makeup is great, but sometimes you may want to invest in high end concealer and foundation, because drugstore brands sometimes have too many chemicals for your face. Many people are fine with drugstore, but if you notice a peak in breakouts, stop using them. Lastly, dont try to cover your face in concealer. That was my mistake for a while, just invest in a foundation. Foundations tend to be lighter weight than if you were covering all your breakouts with a thick concealer. 
5) Go to a dermatologist. If you are positive that you take care of your face, and use the right brands you might just need a dermatologist. I went to one, and the doctor told be to use acuzone, a over the counter topical.** This topical is not acutane **although it sounds similiar. After about three months my skin was 3x better than it was before. 
Below is a before and after picture.
I am wearing foundation in the picture below, but i was wearing a concealer thicker than a foundation in the picture above. This is about a 6 month difference , however my face cleared up in about a month after i began to do these steps!
Your skin is the most important part on your body, so keep it healthy.
 "If you spend money to keep your face clean, you wont need to spend money on face makeup"- Bethany Mota

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